MIT's fall season has begun, with practices on Monday and Wednesday nights 7-9 PM on the turf field at Steinbrenner Stadium. It's not too late to join, just contact for more information. The team is always looking for new players. No prior experience necessary. All home games will be played on Briggs Field with kickoffs scheduled for 1:00 PM. Below is our schedule for the fall:
Saturday September 7th: Away @ Boston Irish Wolfhounds (Canton, MA)
Saturday September 14th Home vs. Albany
Saturday September 21st: BYE WEEK
Saturday September 28th: home vs. Amoskeag
Saturday October 5th: Away @ North Shore (Salem, MA)
Saturday October 12th: away vs. Providence (Pawtucket, RI)
Saturday October 19th: BYE WEEK
Saturday October 26th: away vs. South Shore (Weymouth, MA)
Saturday November 2nd: home vs. Burlington RFC